Natural Norfolk Wedding Photographer

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Neil Senior Photography
Hi, I'm Neil, a celebrated documentary wedding photographer based in Norfolk, acknowledged by the LUX Wedding Awards and Hitched Wedding Awards as a top regional talent. Working with couples across Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, and Norfolk, my passion lies in capturing the unscripted beauty of your special day. With an eco-conscious heart, I honour each couple's love by planting a tree in their name within my 'Wild Wedding Grove', intertwining their legacy with nature's everlasting growth.

Drawing inspiration from my affinity for creativity, the natural world, and the unique stories of people, my approach is deeply rooted in authenticity and documentary style. I strive to capture the essence of your love in its purest form, focusing on candid moments over posed photographs. If you're seeking to relive your wedding day through images that resonate with genuine emotion and untold stories, allowing you to experience those fleeting moments you might have missed, I'm here to bring that vision to life. Let's create something beautiful and lasting together!

Carve your own path and let the true essence of your love shine through every choice. Embrace the adventure, accept help and guidance when offered, and above all, relish the journey. Your unique love story is what makes your day unforgettable!