The Ultimate Guide To Groomsmen: 5 Essential Tips For Crafting Your Groomsmen Style

The style of your groomsmen plays a role in your wedding, helping set the tone for both formality and celebration. This guide delivers essential tips for creating a cohesive and stylish look for groomsmen, emphasising the influence of colour palette, aesthetics, and theme. From selecting the right attire and ties to perfecting grooming habits and ensuring harmony with the wedding theme, we’ll cover the essentials to ensure your groomsmen’s attire complements the occasion perfectly and makes them feel their best, enhancing the wedding’s visual appeal and creating a sense of unity and excitement among your closest friends and family, making your special day truly memorable.


The Ultimate Guide To Groomsmen: 5 Essential Tips For Crafting Your Groomsmen Style

1) Choosing the Right Attire: Tuxedos or Wedding Suits?

Deciding between tuxedos and wedding suits is a great starting point when creating a cohesive style and look for your groomsmen. Tuxedos are traditionally reserved for evening or formal weddings, exuding an air of sophistication and tradition. In contrast, suits are more versatile and suitable for various times of the day, including less formal or semi-formal weddings. Suit separates can also be easily combined or matched with casual items for casual dress codes. 


The choice largely depends on the wedding’s formality level and the couple’s preference. For instance, a black-tie affair calls for tuxedos, whereas a casual beach wedding might lean towards suits.


When selecting colours and fabrics, consider your wedding’s theme and venue. Lighter fabrics and colours work well for daytime and outdoor weddings, while darker shades and heavier materials are ideal for evening events. Slim fit suits are a popular choice for a modern, tailored look that flatters the wearer’s physique, while traditional tuxedos offer a classic and formal appeal suitable for upscale affairs. Matching the attire to the wedding’s aesthetic creates a cohesive visual experience for guests and the wedding party alike—not to mention being perfect for your wedding photos


The decision to rent or buy groomsmen attire depends on several factors, including budget, frequency of use, and personal preference. Renting can be a cost-effective option for one-time use, whereas buying might be better for those who anticipate wearing suits or tuxedos to multiple events.


Proper fitting and tailoring must be balanced to achieve a polished look. This goes for every level of formality. Tailored attire ensures each groomsman looks his best, regardless of body type. This step may require coordination, particularly if groomsmen are spread across different locations. Fortunately, many companies offer nationwide services, making it easier to manage fittings and alterations. Ensuring each groomsman’s attire is well-fitted and comfortable enhances the wedding’s overall feel and boosts individual confidence.



2) Accessorising to Enhance Style: Little Touches, Big Impact

Accessories are important when defining groomsmen’s style, transforming standard wedding attire into personalised statements. Ties, bow ties, pocket squares, cufflinks, and boutonnieres are all elements that add depth and character to their outfits. 


Just like with suits or tuxes, it’s important to consider the wedding’s colour scheme and theme when choosing accessories. For example, choosing ties or pocket squares in hues that match or complement the bridesmaids’ dresses is a time-honoured strategy that beautifully unites the wedding party’s appearance. Similarly, cufflinks and boutonnieres offer a chance to incorporate personal or thematic elements into the groomsmen’s attire, making each piece a thoughtful addition to the ensemble.


Finding the right balance between uniformity and individuality is key in accessorising groomsmen. While having a cohesive look is beneficial, allowing for some personal expression can add charm to the wedding party. This might mean choosing a common colour or style for ties but allowing each groomsman to pick a pattern that speaks to his personal style. 


Coordinating accessories among groomsmen ensures that the group looks unified without appearing identical. This approach to accessorising will enhance the groomsmen’s style and contribute to the wedding party’s overall harmony and visual appeal.


The Ultimate Guide To Groomsmen: 5 Essential Tips For Crafting Your Groomsmen Style



3) Selecting the Right Footwear: Support Your Groomsmen

Shoes should harmonise with the overall look, whether the occasion calls for sleek tuxedo shoes or more casual options like Oxfords. The rule of thumb is to match the shoe’s formality with the suit or tuxedo, ensuring a seamless transition from top to bottom.


For colour and style coordination, classic black is a fail-safe choice for formal wear, but don’t shy away from exploring browns or even more adventurous colours if they enhance the wedding’s palette. Remember, the shoes needn’t just look good—they must fit well with the rest of the outfit in style and hue.


Beyond aesthetics, keep comfort and practicality in mind, especially considering the long hours groomsmen spend on their feet. Opt for footwear that offers a blend of style and support, ensuring groomsmen can easily make it through the day’s events. 


When it comes to creating a cohesive look among all groomsmen, select the same style or brand of shoe for everyone. This approach will add to the group’s visual appeal and simplify the coordination process. However, rules are made to be broken and allowing for slight variations in shoe style can accommodate individual preferences and needs while still maintaining a unified appearance, striking a perfect balance between uniformity and personal comfort.


The Ultimate Guide To Groomsmen: 5 Essential Tips For Crafting Your Groomsmen Style


4) Importance of Personal Grooming: Everyone Should Look Their Best

Ensuring groomsmen have proper haircuts, well-maintained facial hair, and healthy skin is key to achieving a polished look for the wedding day. It’s not just about looking good—it’s about feeling confident and comfortable in one’s appearance. 


Coordinating grooming appointments can help achieve a unified look among the groomsmen while offering a great bonding opportunity. This can be a great opportunity for friends who haven’t seen each other for some time to reconnect or for those who are meeting for the first time to forge new bonds. 


When it comes to grooming for the big day, offering guidance on maintaining a neat and polished look can help, especially for guys who struggle in this area. This includes advice on skincare routines leading up to the wedding and styling tips for hair and facial hair on the day itself. 


Remember that while uniformity in appearance is desirable, it’s important to balance this with respect for each groomsman’s individuality and personal style. Avoid insisting on drastic changes such as shaving off beards or cutting long hair if it doesn’t align with their comfort or style. Respecting each groomsman’s preferences ensures that everyone feels confident and at their best, contributing positively to the wedding’s atmosphere and memories.


The Ultimate Guide To Groomsmen: 5 Essential Tips For Crafting Your Groomsmen Style


5) Planning and Preparation Timeline: Ensuring It Comes Together

Creating a style for your groomsmen that looks effortless, polished and purposeful requires careful planning and attention to detail. To ensure that every aspect of the groomsmen’s appearance is coordinated and taken care of, it’s essential to follow a structured timeline. This helps manage the selection and fitting of attire and accessories and accommodate any necessary alterations and personal grooming preferences. 


Setting clear deadlines and organizing tasks makes the process less stressful, allowing the groom and his groomsmen to enjoy the lead-up to the big day.


Here’s a recommended timeline to follow, adjustable to suit your needs:


  • 6 Months Before the Wedding: Begin selecting the groomsmen’s attire. Consider the wedding’s style, colour, and formality to guide your choices.
  • 4-5 Months Before: Finalize the attire selection and start the fitting process. This is also a good time to decide on and order any custom accessories.
  • 3 Months Before: Schedule grooming appointments for haircuts, beard trims, or any skincare treatments. This ensures groomsmen have time to grow out or adjust their hair if needed.
  • 2 Months Before: Have a second fitting for all groomsmen to address any significant alterations. Confirm accessory choices and make sure all orders are placed.
  • 1 Month Before: Collect all attire and accessories. Schedule final fittings and make any last-minute adjustments to ensure a perfect fit.
  • 2 Weeks Before: Confirm all grooming appointments are scheduled for one week before the wedding. Review the final checklist of attire and accessories to ensure everything is present.
  • 1 Week Before: Attend grooming appointments, preferably as a group. After, have a dress rehearsal with all groomsmen to try on the full outfit, including shoes and accessories. This is the last opportunity to make any final tweaks.
  • Day Before the Wedding: Ensure all groomsmen have their attire ready and are clear on their roles for the day.


By adhering to this timeline or something similar, you’ll ensure that every detail of the groomsmen’s style is accounted for, leaving nothing to chance. This organised approach guarantees that the groomsmen look cohesive, stylish, and aligned with the wedding’s theme, making for unforgettable memories and photographs.



Crafting a groomsmen style that complements your wedding’s theme and aesthetic is essential for a cohesive and visually appealing celebration. Balancing uniformity with touches of individuality ensures each groomsman stands out while still belonging to the group. Involving groomsmen in the styling process creates a more personalized and inclusive experience, enhancing the bond and shared memories. As we conclude, we extend our best wishes for a wedding day marked by style, harmony, and unforgettable moments.



The Ultimate Guide To Groomsmen: 5 Essential Tips For Crafting Your Groomsmen Style

This is a collaborative post.


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